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.Wednesday, December 16, 2009 @ 4:09 PM Y

Wakakakakakaka!!! Lols.
Hmmm, today's nth special..
Jus now, went FB-ing. Waoh. Its DAMN LAGGY!! Ahhh. Pissed.
Then got better somehow. Lols. Played my usual games. In RC, which drink shld i make??
EGGNOG or FESTIVE HOT CHOCOLATE? Idk ley.. Hais. After tat, went to CS and stuff. Chatted in msn with Ning, Siti, Mira and PeiYee. Next, went to see my iHeart requests, OMG!! I received it from an unexpected person: Leroy :O SHOCKED! But still accepted it la. Hehe~ God, and i got another friend request agn. AGN! You noe? Aiyo. And when i go see, its a guy agn. AGN! Ahhh! And his quite.. ahem. Hahah >< But haven accpeted his request yet :PP Nvm la, wait kay? :B Ohh, and did i tell you guys tat recently, i go see SOMEONE'S profile. OMG. I wan die liao x.x Its like 'PUI!' hahaha! Then i went to see the photos. This person so YOUNG, yet, he/she dressed till so damn MATURED like aunty/uncle. EWWW! Oso got another thing very SHOCKING :O Is like he/she so not good-looking, but his/her stead is very very very(...) you noe wad im talking abt. Cant elaborate too much. Sorry D': And the more i see, the more i wan to FAINT. Keke. Hmmm, FINISHED. Hais, ltr have tuition. D; Kkays, BYEBYE! :B
*** Another thing, im not tat BAD GIRL ok? Im good enuf :P


.Tuesday, December 15, 2009 @ 5:19 PM Y

ohh! wait, why the blogger like not back to normal agn huh?! i very FRUSTRATED liao leh. RAWRRRR. LOLs. :B BLOGGER! WAD HAPPENED TO YOU?!?!?!?! Sot sot one leh. Idiot, dumb, pork blogger. Nights, Evenings or Afternoons ^^


. @ 4:59 PM Y

Hello!! :DDDDDD Crazy liao :O
Haha, today, early morning have netball agn. Woah seh. Damn LIGHT man the training. HOHO. Hais, tat @!&CH nv come. PORK! Both our bibs(we're not BABIES) with her leh. STUPID, say she wash then Ms Yong like 'you sure you will come for netball trainig anot? If not nvm, i can ask other ppl to wash.' Eugenia oso like tat say to her leh. Then she say nvm nvm, she will come one. IN the end leh?! The person is NOWHERE TO BE FOUND. LOLs. Stupid luh, like tat how play court games?! But we still got play. Haha :P
And and today the ball drills we nv traing with seniors leh!! Keke. They go discuss the court plans with coach O.o So we juniors train ourselves. Abit SLACK ><
After tat, cos Wei Ting catch ball the method wrong. So Eugenia teach her. Me and Kellynn go train our shooting :D
During like ard 0915, the seniors went on court and played court game and play according to coach's plans. SOLID man! WOOTs! Haha. We juniors watch. D': the sun today nv come out then most of the juniors nv play. PORK. No fun one. Hais.
Next, we had our P.T. It was quite EASY and FUN! Jus run all the way to the court and do burpis and blablabla.. Then shooters have to stay back and train on our shooting and footwork. Fun fun and more FUN-NESS! LOLs. Training's over! Went home and bathed. After tat, went to CWP meet YeeTing jiejie, coun pang seh me, go back first. Ass la. Hmph. Had lunch at SWENSENS!! Muahahahah! Then, went to popular and buy some assesment books -.- YeeTing jiejie tutor mahh.. Hais.
Shop finish books, wanted to watch PRINCESS AND THE FROG. Stupid, I CANT! I have smth on tat time D': Hmmm, from wad i heard from jiejie, its very SIGNIFICANT. And its SUPER true luh. Wahhh. Lazy to explain why. Keke. If ur lucky, i can tell you, if not awwww, too bad :P Haha. No choice, went to Crystal Jade the bread shop, buy bread and HOMED. Jiejie say some other day go watch <33
Kk, goodnight, evening, afternoon or wadever. I wan to go sleep for awhile. Tired uh. Haven sleep after netball. BYE! ^(00)^

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.Monday, December 14, 2009 @ 7:01 PM Y

Ohh and seriously, wad happened to blogger agn?!?!
The fonts are GONE. *POOF!* Plus the colors for you to choose are GONE TOO! Ahhhhh! STUPID BLOGGER! Pork leh. Hais. Hmmm, if the blogger is BACK TO NORMAL agn, then i'll make my blog COLOURFUL agn! I dun like my world to be DULL. PUI! LOLS. And i so wan to get a new LAPPY! If mot i cant even upload pics! D': Kk. Done CRAPPING. Ciaos agn :D


. @ 6:34 PM Y

Im back! Heheh. Long time no blog. Lazy ar.. :P
Hmmm, i was quite busy recently, isit??
First, i had prefects's camp from 30/11-01/12. Woah! It was super fun man! :DD Love it. Hmmm, dun feel like elaborating it. So long ago liao :B
Second, went to the library with Ning to do our maths hmk :O Damn it. Was not in the mood luh. But managed to finish MOST of it *winks* Hahah. Left only the last 4 quens >:B Besides maths hmk, i oso have english book review(x2), which i have finished reading the book but haven review it. Keke. Ohh, and i oso have a STUPID chi project. Ass. But wad i heard form JQ, its very very very very very very very very very, k enuf, EASY. Muahahahah! GOOD. Hmmm, back to library thing, me and Ning went twice. Fri and Sat. And during Sat, it was a DISASTER of some sort.. In the evening, after both of us had dinner with our parents, me, my bro, my mum, Ning and her bro, we went to TIMEZONE. At first it was still ok. Then, cos Ning's bro keep wanting his own way, make until everyone is like UPSET D: Nvm luh. Jus rmb the FUN PART can liao :) I took some pics, but dk why, this bloody com dun let me upload D': IDIOT.
Third, went to WILD WILD WET with Kellynn, my godma, aunts and my 3 half nephews(?) It was fun man. And SHIOK. Cos we went there after our netball! :O I shopped for clothes! A Heineken t-shirt and a dress which is above my knee. SUPER NICE AND CHEAP!
$8.90 and $18.90!(respectively) Had our dinner before we shop. And seriously, me and Kellynn like maid luh. Help carry their bags -.- Im the Indonesian one and Kellynn the Phillipin one. LOL! Hahah! Wait, this whole Wild Wild Wet thingy is before the library one. OPPS! Nvm.
Fourth(?), tml i have netball, then after tat, have to go CWP meet my coun and jiejie(mum's niece). Tired leh. Hais. ZZZ.. Then Wed have tuition D': Thurs, going to godma's hse stay till Sun! WOOTs. Fri, going to watch NEW MOON with Clique! Hoho.
Next week, have to shop for x'mas prezzies and stuff like tat. X'mas, i think siti's sis have a party?? and my ahma hse oso have one, same goes to my godma's hse! Woah! PACKED ar, these days gonna be damn BUSY? Maybe. Keke~ So have to faster finish hmk liao. So i can enjoy! CIAO~!


.Thursday, November 26, 2009 @ 5:55 PM Y

Woah seh! Ytd and today's weather is FREAKING HOT man! I wonder wad happened. Cos now the season shld be MONSOON but why isit so PIPING HOT with LESS wind?! OMG. Im freaking out man :O Oh, btw, the netball match we had on 24/11, we only won one round and lost three rounds D: But we lose till very HAPPY :D I prefer to play with CHIJ Katong than Jurongville :/ Cos CHIJ Katong, they are more friendlier than tat Jurongville. Haha. That time was oso quite hot though .___. Kk, done with tat, now back to the topic :)

As you guys now, the days are EXTREMELY HOT. Somemore, i had netball today! :O Early in the morning wad not so bad. Woke up, got changed and went down to meet Kellynn. Coach dint come today. Hmmm, isit a good thing or a bad thing?? Nvm, we still had another 'coach' to coach us :D Ms Intan. And and very less ppl come only leh. I think ard 8 seniors, 5 juniors.. Haha. Did our warm-ups. OMG, we had to run 3 rounds ard the school leh!! @.@ Die ar. After tat, we did ball drills. Amalina train with Ms Intan. Haha. Cos not enuf ppl >.<" Shit the sun man. The sun CAME OUT AT THE WRONG TIME! Its like DAMN HOT aldy. Asshole. Then we played court games. Half court only. But its still very tiring. Sweat like hell. Like jus bathe finish nv use towel and dry clean urself. Haha. And very SMELLY luh! PUI! Everyone like stink-bomb. Lols. Btw, we will have our breaks one. Keke. Is like we played court game thruout luh. But got switch some ppl la. I 100% is GS one :DDD Hmmm, cos we played no serious enuf-WTH?! I find tat very serious liao luh, cos the sun so BIG and make the day HOT. Uhh. - Ms Intan say if the shooters nv shoot, we have to run one round ard the court D': Hais. And maybe i got the PRESSURE, i shoot in!! WOOTs! Haha. And and i dun like tat Tasha luh. I free, she dun wan throw all to me, kena defended by defender, anyhow scold ppl like mad dog. Ass la. Tot she very clever meh. Come be GS la! PORK. I like JingHarn better :DD We did PT oso. God. I will become ROAST PORK man! The sun keep GLARING at us. Wow. But me, QiuMei and XinYin CHEATED. Hahahaha! :PP Kk, after tat, training's over. Finally man. Cool down, went to the toilet with Kellynn and Ama and changed into our slippers :B Shiok man. Hais, next time shld bring another shirt to change. If not smelly. Hehe. After tat, me and Kellynn went to sit sit at the playground(noe the one where ppl go exercise there??) and SLACKED. Woah, FINALLY got wind. Haha. Then we got hungry and went to the minimart and bought cuppy noodles ^^ Ate at the playground and chatted, then HOMED. When i homed, the first thing i do is BATHE. Woah.. Shiok shiok one. Cos i used COLD WATER to bathe >:B HOHO. Then ate smth agn and SLEEP. Im no PIG. Jus tired. Haha. Woke and and use com luh. Hmmm, this is my day :D FYI, im still very hot. Dying soon. :O Kk, wan go use fan and blow me..O.o BYES!


.Monday, November 23, 2009 @ 4:04 PM Y

Woah. Netball training is BACK AGN.
Woke up early in the morning. It was HELL. Idk when i got a FLU. Early in the morning, kept SNEEZING! :O I think more than 20 times aldy luh. Hais. And the more i rub it, the itchier it got. WTH?! Pork. Brush teeth and comb hair oso difficult ar. Tsk tsk tsk. Haha. After im done with all these shit, went downstairs. Supposed to meet Kellynn. Sms-ed her, NO reply :/ Call her, her phone was off -.- Ass. Called her hse, she said she JUS WOKE UP :O And tat time was aldy 735am!
Nvm luh, dun care her. Haha. Walked to school. First, we had theory(?). Then went down to the parade square do our warm-ups. We learnt 'STACK-UP' It was SUPER EFFECTIVE when you use it on court game :DD After we are more clear abt the method, we played court games with the seniors. OMG. It was DAMN DIFFICULT man. Hmmm, ok luh. Haha :P And and my shooting skills like SHIT aldy D': Dk why. But still can goal sometimes la. Lol. After court game, training was OVER. Woah seh, today's training is really very LIGHT luh. Only do our warm-ups, learn the 'stack-up' then start playing court games aldy :D BUT, tml we have FRIENDLY MATCH! :O OMG. Tats why we had our court games and learnt 'stack-up' today.. We playing against JURONGVILLE & CHIJ KATONG lehh! Lose one la. Keke :P
After training, went to mac and takeaway and went to Kellynn's hse. You noe wad? I saw AYIE on the way where i have to cross the traffic light. Haha. Sms-ed mira and told her bout it :P Eat eat eat, we dicussed abt how are we going to play for the match tml. And we noe wad to do aldy. HOHO :B So we going to tell our other teammates tml :) After tat, BORED. Nth to do. Played some LAME games. LOL. Haha :DD At ard 2pm, i HOMED and BATHED. .____. Hmmms, finished CRAPPING. Haha. And hope the rest of my netball training dun wan so TEDIOUS. If not i wan pon abit. Keke :PP Kk, BYES :D



C L A W D E E R :D
Im FOURTEEN and i want a present on 10 APRIL[it's a MUST] Once an ADMPS-ian, now an EVGian! And i love it.
Im in love with alot of things:
Especially love saying PORK!
And i love CLIQUETTES too!<3
I do hate somethings though..
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Keke. Too bad i dont have any links for you to click on cos you hate me xD
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new touch phone
a tube dress
more shorts and skirts?
money money to shop!
more shoe shoes
pass exams with fying colors
be a RAPIST?[LOL!]


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